I would like to relate an experience I had at the Green Valley District Coffee Bean on Friday March 10th around 2 in the afternoon. I ordered an expresso macchiato after waiting in line behind 2 other customers. I watched the two individuals in front of me in line get their drinks and leave. I then watched the next three customers that came in after me get their drinks and walk out the door as well. When I saw the barista shaking up the fourth drink for someone after me, I went back to the cash register. I said three customers after me had been served and my drink hasn't been started.
Then I noticed the barista starting to press an expresso. I asked for a refund, the register person looked up my tab said I was owed $2.49. I returned the 51cents change I had been given when I purchased the drink. He then handed me back $2.00 not the $3.00 I was owed. He explained no my 51.00 cents took care of the 49 cents and I was only owed $2.00. I took that, went to my car and realized the error. I went back to Coffee Bean and told the register person they owed me another dollar. I then explained they originally owed me 2.49, I gave you 51 cents which adds up to $3 not $2.
In summary I entered coffee bean wanting an expresso macchiato with a twenty dollar bill. I left with no coffee, $19.00 because I wasn't going to dip my hand in the tip jar to retrieve the $1 I had first deposited, and never received a hint of an apology!
I did not raise my voice even though I was angry. My demeanor was never aggressive, I did not make a scene. I did ask to speak with the manager who I was told wasn't on site. The person's name I spoke with was the supervisor "Nick" who operated the register. There were a total of three people working behind the counter. A young man reading the electronic menu, making the drinks, a young lady that had her back to me the entire time and Nick the supervisor.
If you read some of the previous reviews this is an common occurrence.