Palo is the equivalent of a late night booty call, but not a first or second tier candidate. I'm talking about that last resort option that you've never introduced to your friends and rarely carry on a conversation with outside of the bedroom. It's dark, raucous and everything is kind of hazy the next morning. The drinks are stiff and cheap, so you can get your drunk going strong and wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and mystery bruises.
I used to come here all the time when I lived at the corner of Priest and Broadway because it was within walking distance and is the first bar to open on any given day. Ah, the memories. Usually relayed to me second hand.
My favorite thing about this place is the graffiti. Where else are you going to see a squatting naked chick crawling with the crabs, little claws clinging to all sorts of uncomfortable places? Well on the inside of the stall in the women's restroom is where.
Seconded as, "the dive-iest of dive bars."