| - The first night at our hotel, we peered through beaded glittery curtains at one end of the lobby to a dimmed, mysterious interior. After checking out the dinner prices, we decided our three-hour drive through the rain had taken away our desire for a fine dining experience, so we ventured out into the pouring rain in search of a more ordinary dinner.
The second night, however, the door was closed, the menu gone, and our curiosity just got the better of us. So at about 11 PM, we ventured through the portal into what turned out to be the coatroom, and an easy way around the $10 cover charge they were asking at the door! Score.
Once we were settled with drinks, I said to my husband, "I think this place is too cool for us." I'm not sure whether it was the huge, uplit dinosaur backbone, or the animal-hoof coat hooks on the wall, or the group of guys on rolling stools that kept buying the bartender shots, but I felt much older and less hip than I normally do. It was fun to see the beautiful people arrive in grandeur and depart with a little more affection, though.
Cocktails were fine, prepared to order and priced normally for a large city. On our way out we perused the cured meats on display and peeked into the stylishly rustic dining room. Someday I'd like to return for the food everyone's raving about here!