Just took my Sun Conure to the vet today. His toe got caught on something and is turned to the side. I have never taken him to the vet before because I thought it'd be too expensive and a waste of time. I was wrong on both accounts.
The vet we saw, Dr. Scagnelli, was very knowledgeable about my little guy and gave him a thorough looking over. She recommended leaving his toe as is since it was not hurting him at all and splinting would cause him more stress. She talked about changing his diet from seeds to pellets as that would be much more beneficial, giving me a print out on how to transition successfully (I tried before but Mango wouldn't go for it).
I loved the whole place and how it was especially for just for birds and exotics. An exam was surprisingly reasonable, so much so I am now going to be bringing Mango in regularly since both he and I enjoyed it so much.