Screw forks. When faced with the absolute ridiculousness of a Tubby Doc, real wo(men) use hands only.
During my last day in Calgary, I had to find a local legend. It looked ridiculous when I drunkenly walked by it, but was even more ridiculous when I walked in sober.
My bro went all out and got Sherm's Ultimate Gripper (scary) and I got the A-Bomb (less scary). Check out my photos for the ridiculous visuals. (Notice how many times I've said ridiculous so far?)
They steam the buns and dogs, but you can ask for grilled. I chose the regular. I was never a fan of processed nacho cheese (ok I lie, as a kid it rocked), but it goes perfect with these dogs. And the crumbled ketchup chips on top rocked.
My bro didn't know how to start with the Gripper. It was daunting. He tried a fork & knife for a second and gave up. Hands only my man.
Tip: stock up with a pile of napkins before you touch your dog. You'll need a tree's worth to clean up.
Watch out Japadog.