| - *A local's perspective who has been to just about every nightclub on the strip*
Nestled in the back of the SLS at the north end of the strip, where the old Sahara use to be, LiFE offers a Vegas club experience without the hassle of the other major ones on the strip.
LiFE was a good time. I brought my friend here on Saturday night after the MayPac fight to see one of our favorite DJs, Gareth Emery. Immediately upon entering you notice how HUGE this club is. In terms of indoor size, I would put LiFE behind LIGHT but before XS and Hakkasan. If you don't have a table, there is still PLENTY of space to walk/dance.
From what I can remember they have three bars, if you're facing toward the crowd from the DJ booth, there is one straight to the back, the left and right. The bartenders were very nice and made the drinks quick without sacrificing the quality. They are also a couple/few bucks cheaper compared to the other major clubs on the strip.
Some unique features: FREE tables/booths along the back wall where you can sit down and take a break, a photo booth just before you walk into the restroom, and a co-ed hand wash room outside the male and female restrooms.
The club also has a very good production set up. Massive LED walls, plenty of lighting, huge fog machines, the whole shabang!
The one bad/good thing about this club, depending on how you look at it, is that it's so new and far from the other major attractions here in Las Vegas that a lot of people haven't even heard of it. Every time friends are in town I recommend this place and the common response is, "where's that?". LiFE has obviously struggled to take crowds away from the other clubs. On this night in particular, maybe, MAYBE 25% of the tables were sold. Every other club that night the tables were full and the lines/covers to get in were ridiculous. That may be a bad thing for the owners/operators but to the average person without a table and just looking to have a good time, this makes the experience much more enjoyable.
I will definitely be coming back here.