Heard it through the grapevine that this was the place to go for primo pizza, service, and atmosphere. Not so. As we entered the pretentious Pomo on a 114 degree afternoon in Arizona the hostess asked us would we like to sit inside or out. Were we dressed in bathing attire? No. We were then seated at a very small table for two. Comfortable? Not even close.
Perhaps the waiter would make up for the first 2 strikes. Oh no, strike 3! Menus covered up the tiny table with no room for water, let alone libations that they did not have available. Certainly the pizza would be worth the dissapointments thus far. My positive persona was rapidly disintegrating when the waiter told us they could not separate the vegetables from the meat on any order, not even for an extra charge. He suggested these were small enough that we should consider one 12in. pizza per person at 15.00 ea. Nice try! Thankfully my son asked how many slices on a 12 in. The waiter replied 7. At 115 lbs, I can barely eat two!! We settled on one and would have to remove what we could not tolerate. Thank you so much:( The pizza was presented within 5 minutes, hot but horrible with a flaky burnt crust and a $28.00 bill. Voila! If you try hard enough you can swallow it with the help of the table oil. Had it not been my son's birthday I would have definitely requested a refund.