| - Stopped in to return two shirts because we'd found ones for a better price at Macy's. I contacted customer service to inquire as to why two shirts, nearly identical in material and look would be priced nearly $30 higher at the Michael Kors store then at Macy's. I was told that despite being the same in style, materials, and everything except a slightly different shade of blue - that the products in Macy's are specifically designed for Macy's stores and products designed for actual Michael Kors stores and sold at their website are made specifically for their stores.
Confused, I ask if that meant the items intended for sales through Macy's are of inferior quality and therefore priced less? The customer service person did not directly answer yes or no. Instead they went on to say that they have no control over Macy's standards of customer service but there is excellent service within their own stores and I gathered that this was also justification for the higher price tag.
I explained that for $60 more the service wasn't THAT great and asked if it would be a problem returning the shirts that were higher priced. I was assured that yes, I could take them back to ANY Michael Kors store, but not the outlets, and have no problem returning these items given I still have my store receipt.
Sounds great, right? Well, I just walked out of this Michael Kors store with my receipt and the shirts I'd brought to return because this location does not carry men's shirts, therefore they could not process my return. I explained I was not interested in an exchange, I assume they do have cash in this store so what's the problem?
Apparently they just won't do it but that's OK because less than a mile away there's another store that will! OK. But... I was told I could return this at ANY store that's not an outlet. I have a dinner reservation right in this area and can't make it there on time if I'm driving to the Palazzo, parking walking through casino to this other Michael Kors store then having to drive back to where I needed to be. Besides, wasn't I JUST told the standards of customer service at these stores were excellent???
That has yet to be seen...
Do yourself a favor - avoid Michael Kors.
I paid less at Macy's and I'd bet you anything that Macy's would happily take it back.