So I went here earlier this week for lunch. I ordered the Big John I believe that was the name. Anyhow, it came with lettuce, tomatoes, mayo and roast beef.
First things first the good:
Compared to Subway the bread had a better texture. It wasn't overly hard or too soft...just right in my opinion. The roast beef tasted pretty good! It actually tasted as if it could be a decent quality beef...but what do I know, this was my 2nd or 3rd time eating roast beef. The vegetables on the sub were nice and firm, and not so overpowering that they made my sandwich soggy.
The bad:
For the size of the sub (8inch) it would've been better if they'd filled the open spaces with more meat or toppings. The sandwich seemed a bit naked and skimpy.
The ugly:
So this is the one thing that actually made me question their superiority to Subway. THE TASTE OF THE BREAD! Okay, so if Subway uses rubber in their bread, what is it that these guys use?! I can't explain the taste except if I tasted my hair relaxer, I'm pretty certain that would be it :-/ It had such a chemical like je ne sais quoi. after it's all said and done...I say get your sub at Fry's haha okay half joking...umm well save a cow and start eating salad, :-) that is all