I bought a Groupon for a month of unlimited tanning to prepare for an island vacation. I was pleasantly surprised by my experiences tanning here as I had horrible experiences at ProTan.
Here is the good: Very clean facility. Tanning beds, even the low level ones, are effective and high quality. The staff is great. Very friendly and I like that they don't pressure you to buy packages or lotion.
The not so good: they set a timer for the bed to start and they are not generous with the amount of time they give you to undress. There is an obnoxious sign in the tanning room stating to put your lotion on at home before you arrive. Ummmm... some of us work and don't have time to stop by home to lotion up. What a ridiculous policy.
The music is bad. Every time I have been there they are blasting country. Which leads me to my last gripe: they don't have speakers/radios inside the beds. Which means you are subjected to the music they are playing. You can use your headphones but it is a pain to use inside the beds.
The upsides definitely make up for the downsides. I hope management takes my complaints seriously. If I need to tan again I'll probably return.