| - My constant readers know that I am about as fair as possible when writing reviews, always looking to find something to recommend, but I am afraid the only thing in this particular Cabo was the Bean Dip and I am sure that was out of a can as the tortilla chips were out of a can.
My urgent warning is STAY AWAY FROM HERE. Here is why:
After taking a bite of my entree there was a high acid, high metalic, high "Smoke" taste that was quite simply hazardous. If this was just in the rice I could live with it, but it was intensely pervasive in the Fajita Burrito as well. After literally two bit I stop and even after being offered a new entree I refused for fear of truly being poisoned. I do not know what the exact contaminant was but since it was in the rice and burrito it was a systemic issue and that tells me no matter what the entree there was a problem.
My wife's plate had the same problem but after a couple of bites she had to find a restroom before making a public scene and having the food returned in the "Roman" manner.
I have eaten in some of the best Mexican Style eateries in the world, lord knows L.A. has a ton of them. But when the manager insists the food is fine (without tasting it) I must be mistaken. I had sent the food back after two bites so it is not likely my germs were on that plate, there were more germs from the cook and server on it than me and still she wouldn't touch it (or maybe she knew there was a problem). After that the excuse was that it couldn't have a problem because the Health Department gave them an "A" rating which of course means absolutely nothing today when the inspection was whenever in the past.
Fortunately I was not expected to pay for those entrees, but a tab did come along for the Iced Teas we drank. I pointed out that my wife was no longer enjoying that Iced Tea and only then were we free to leave, hungry but without an appetite.
So, why am I so upset? It's not like this is the first time I have eaten food from a questionable kitchen, but it is the first time no-one seemed to care about it. Here was a restaurant full of people who were possibly exposed to something very bad and they were still sending out plates. INEXCUSABLE.
Will this kitchen get better? Most likely but the same team will still be there and I know I will NEVER be back because the place is more interested in serving bad food (in more then one sense) than being safe.
The Health Department should be informed.
As an aside I asked myself why people were not running out of the place when I realized it is quite possible people didn't realize something was wrong and opposed to making a scene and returning the food ate it thinking "Maybe this is how it's supposed to taste." If you think that absurd realize most people will keep drinking that bottle of rare vintage wine even if it turned to vinegar years ago because it is a "rare vintage" and are told it is good. This happens a lot.