Ready to listen to the middle schoolers rock out in band! Here we are in 117 degree heat to check out a bunch of 5 year old hip hop ballet stars. This is so cool.
The UNLV Performing Arts Center and Hamm Hall is AMAZING.
a. Parking - Huge parking structure right next to Hamm Hall, great for the heat and so close to the center. Amazingly convenient. Who could have planned this better?
b. The Facility - Awesome seating. Every row and seat has the right amount of space. The acoustics and sound is balanced. The views are all great from all seats. This is first class.
c. The Stage - Just right, esy to see, and the right size for a variety of events.
This is 4 star across the board. If you ever are invited to an event here, you will be happy with the facility.