Two more things to add:
They have a food program where if you buy 12 bags, the 13th is free. Everytime you buy food, they mark it on a card they keep at the store, and even if you buy the 40 pound bag, the 13th=free! You do have to ask about it, they don't exactly advertize it.
We currently have our dog in begening obediance. It's an 8 week class and she's had three classes so far. I realize they say, that to be a good dog teacher you probably arn't so great with humans but our teacher really isn't even that great of a teacher. Three classes and she's only introduced two things: orient to the left and what she calls 'calming' down. I also realize that you can't just take your dog to the class and expect them to know it, but if WE don't even know what to work with our dog on, how is our dog ever supposed to know?