Ah, Two Hippies, I wanted to love you. Your decor, fantastic! Your prices, wonderful! But your food, not so great.
I went for breakfast, of course. I had a coupon for two eggs, bacon and sausage, hash browns and toast for 2.99. You can't beat that. But you can - by making your own at home. I ordered eggs over easy - they came over hard. The hash browns tasted like frozen hash browns (and not very good ones at that). They were mealy tiny cubes and not very hot. Can't they spice 'em up a bit? Or cook them longer or buy better quality frozen hash browns. The bacon was crispy but definitely tasted like it had been cooked much earlier and was just sitting in some pan waiting. Now the sausage was good but I don't eat much sausage so who knows. The bread was very tasty. You don't get a choice of bread and I didn't think I'd finish the huge fluffy yellow-hued slice but it was sweet and fluffy and hard to resist especially in light of the rest of the food on the plate.
The wait time from when I ordered and when I got the food made me think I was going to get some tasty piping hot food fiesta, but no.
I say, save your money and cook breakfast at home. People getting lunch looked pretty happy though so they're probably worth checking out for lunch.