Well this was only my second visit here and I have to say the excitement has really worn off after visiting a year ago. We wanted to see if we could find any new items we had not seen before and also to pick up a couple of items we had gotten a year ago. We were disappointed to find out they had moved quite a few items which I guess is not unusual but they didn't have any condensed coconut milk like they did a year ago and they moved all of the coffee as well. The setup for the checkout lines has always been weird to me and I see they have security guards around now.....so that made me feel some kind of way about that especially for a market place.
They also didn't have any black salt and no one seemed to know what we were talking about and that was shameful because an international market should have black salt. Needless to say I have no need to return since I can get most of these items now at a great international market I found in MESA AZ.....not to mention online as well. As International Markets go this place is not terrible but just know you may not find what you expect to and that is disappointing. Eat, Drink, and be Merry my Friends!!!!!!