I was SO SO SO excited that Istanbul Grill found a new home! It was heartbreaking when they were kicked out of their old space. But this felt like an adventure. If you don't work at the Steel Building, or you aren't familiar with the underbelly of the building like me, you might be completely lost. Especially if the security guard hasn't even heard of the business!
When finally found, it was pure joy! Although it doesn't look like they have quite the room or set-up they used to, I will admit it looks a little cleaner (which is a good thing). I was pumped to get my normal chicken salad with beets, white sauce and two grape leaves, all for $10 bucks! And the massive amount they give you, my lord, you could eat for two days!
Now, while it was still delicious, one thing I noticed was that my chicken had to be bottom of the barrel chicken. A lot of it was overcooked and too hard to even eat. Bummer. Why would I go back? Because I know it's still awesome and I'm crossing my fingers this was an "off" day. That's how much I love this place! Five star experience hopefully next time...