| - ZERO stars! The head of this "rescue", Diana England, has recently taken
over 15 THOUSAND dollars in donations via GoFundMe. This money was
not used to build a facility for rescue animals as she led donators to believe.
Instead, she used all the money to buy herself a new house, complete with swimmimg pool and other extra amenities- with no intention of ever having a single rescue animal live there. She is a selfish liar and a criminal! She continues to deny any wrongdoing , spouting more lies and blaming others for misunderstanding her intent to indulge her own desires using money donated ny people who believed that their hardearned dollars were going to help animals in need. She is a disgrace to all of us who actually do animal rescue.
Please DO NOT DONATE , do not believe her longwinded excuses. And please, dont let one very bad apple influence your opinion of the honest,
hardworking, respectable animal rescue organizations who save many more animals than Diane England ever will. Real rescues dont steal, or lie.
Real rescues make their top priority the animals in need of help and homes.
We rarely have enough money to cover the huge expenses incurred by our efforts, but we scrape by, and empty our own pockets to do so. And we will never stop- because we are all about saving the many animals in need. Diane and her greedy partners in crime should be ashamed of themselves!
"A Home for Spot" should call itself "A Home for Diane- No Dogs Allowed".