| - id give them a 0 as well if I was able. Horrible,awful,terrible customer service. I also obtained them thru Costco. had not bad serviced for first 6 months, but then, terrible. We went away for a few weeks in the middle of august. we forgot to call to hold our service, so just left a note on our empty bottles outside saying no water this week please. when we returned from our trip we found a bottle sitting outside of our door, and the note we had left stuck to our front door, we live in phoeniz az, average temps in august are 120..... so we were not about to drink this water, and had to call to get it exchanged, we asked why the driver would leave 1 bottle,not 2, which was our standard delivery, since we asked for none.. they were not able to explaine this, and did credit us a bottle and send out a fresh one.... But shouldn't of been a call we had to make, besides the fact that it takes 25 min to get thru to them.
we moved and updated our address with them, an on our delivery date, we had no water, when we called to find out what happened we we told, oh your delivery day has changed since you moved. Our response was why didn't you let us know this, as we were in contact with you regarding our changes....
Today we got our delivery-- we left out 4 bottles and received 1... as previously stated we get 2 bottles each 2 weeks,,,,.so when I called to find out what happened I was on hold for 59 minutes before the service disconnected me... I did call back and walked into Costco while still on hold for sparkletts, and was told that yes they have been having issues with their service. their general manager has this service and had encountered the same problems.... I was told that they would escalate it for me, but to call back and ask for new service, not customer service. When I did speak with someone the told me that they were very sory that I was frustrated, and they would do everything the could to help me, even thought their tone stated the opposite. they said that they would delivery me a extra bottle on Monday. I asked when did my seruve plan change as I get 2 every 2 weeks for the last year....again I was told that they would escalate it and have a manager call me back..... It will to late as im switching today to a company that is cheaper for water and the dispenser if free, unlike Costco/sparkletts which is rented....