Regarding the Christmas tree vendor at this nursery... My family and I were planning on buying a Christmas tree the first week of December and when I was driving by I stopped to ask about pricing on the trees. I asked the young man who was there in the Christmas tree lot how much a 5-6 foot tree would be. He told me they were $60 for any kind of tree that size. I thought that was reasonable and I decided to bring my family back later that night to purchase a tree. When we returned we looked through the trees (not much variety btw) and found one we liked. I wasn't sure what height the one we were looking at would be considered as many of the trees that were the same height had different colored ribbons on them, so we decided to ask. The tree was not over 6ft and the guy helping us told us the price was $80! I was a little surprised at the drastic difference in price from what I had been told earlier. And maybe I'm a little on the frugal side, but $80 for a Christmas tree less than 6 feet high seems a little much. Anyway, after my two year old tripped and hit her face on the asphalt and got covered in mud, me ruining my brand new shoes because there were puddles of water everywhere, and deliberating with my spouse about if we should pay so much for such a small tree after being deceived about the price; we decided to take our business elsewhere. We ended up purchasing a lovely 6.2ft Normand fir from another establishment for $20 less than this Christmas tree lot wanted AND the tree we bought from the other place was so fresh it still had snow on it. It's been almost two weeks and it is still fresh. Basically, if you have money to burn I don't doubt that the trees here are fine, personally...I don't think it's worth the extra $20.