I've lived in quite a few dives, but most of them were self-acknowledged dives, with a 'you get what you pay for attitude' not so with "The Ninez/The Nines/Lakefront at West Bay".
The staff are rude and have no investment in the community, and are turned over faster than they can mouth off. The management was friendly yet had as much control as a fat kid at cake eating competition. Repairs could take weeks, including broken clogged drains, disposals, broken shower heads. We were routinely told that they were "working on it". Even after the water broke in the apartment upstairs and our apartment was flooded out, they were so quick to say "it's not our fault" that I almost had to what for.
A month after we've moved out, we still haven't received our security deposit, which was due 2 weeks ago. Nothing has improved under the new management, on top of the terrible color schema they were looking at implementing. I'm afraid we'll be in small claims court next week.
Recommend this place to people you never want to speak to again.