We are from new york and stayed in the hotel across the street. We stopped in because the hotel offered a 25% discount at the bar for being customers. We step in sit down place smells like old cheese. They hand us menus we look at the over priced bar food options. Bartender comes by to ask what we want and then asked for our ids. We all have new york ids so normally they are to double check it. They took a while questioned it. Then she asked another employee to verify he said "oh wait we had some people from new york ealier and it was fake" So naturally they denied our ids. I mean not for nothing if you saw fake ones shouldnt you know what a real one looks like we all had real new york ids. We just left cuz if they didnt want our business thats on them. But for them to judge us for someone else is ridiculous they were nasty to us from the beginning plus they shoulda checked our ids before coming in.