| - My buddy and I were in town for a concert and wanted to hit a club one night, Tao was always a fave but last few times it has sucked...anyways the night we picked was Kim Kardasian's Bday, whoopty As a result cover was $75 for guys, we said f*ck that and found an alternative method, we got in for free..:) We had talked to a promoter earlier and he said if you make a dinner reservation you get stamped to get in the club, so we made a dinner reservation but at the time of reservation they didn't have a table, so we found a server and told them we didn't get stamped, she stamped us so we were in right? Wrong, we get to the second level and another checkpoint, we need an additional stamp, so I wait downstairs while my buddy goes and gets in the hotel guest line outside, he tells them his stamp got smeared and after a few minutes he comes back with the other stamp, a little spit and reverse high 5 = my We go back up to the doucher bouncer and bingo we are in gratis....we make it a point to not pay cover for clubs ever, drink/table prices alone are enough to cover the club's nut, plus we are good looking guys so why should we pay, works for
Anyways we were there til 230am and never saw the big booty ho..nonetheless the night was a success because we dodged the $75 cover all the other douchers were