I must have driven past the place a billion times living in North Royalton for 5+ years. Since there aren't any great rib places around I thought I'd stop, plus the "2 time award winner" a frame sign made me wonder. A smoker/grill is on display in the front, but don't let that fool you. You walk in to the dive-iest of dives. I like dives, but no this is not the kind of place I want to buy ribs from. The 1 bartender who is serving 1 patron, pulls me out a slab from a warmer and gives me a couple sauces to-go. She was pleasant and nice, but I'd chalk the ribs up as some of the WORST. My husband said they weren't the worst but they weren't good in his book. I hated the sauce so much I had to rinse it off and put my bottle stuff on. The meat was dry and leathery, chewy, reminds me of... Alligator meat, very brittle. Not only that but 1 slab cost 18.00. Rip off. OH and when I was in the bar picking up the ribs I looked around for the "awards" the only ones i saw were from a LONG time ago, I'm talking maybe the 80's. I would love to know the date of the most recent award...