Buy gas from here with a credit card at your own risk! Our credit card was stolen and we are 99% sure it was from this location. How can I make such a bold statement you ask? Well, unless someone took it with an RFID chip reader, which does happen but according to the fraud department at my bank it doesn't happen as much as you'd think with all the news stories about it.
We have ONLY used this card at this gas station, so I think it is safe to say that some shenanigans are going on. I last bought gas from Chevron in Litchfield Park on 11/16 and today I get a text alert that my card was being used at a Fry's Food in Tempe, a second later used again at the same location. Two hours later it was declined at the Subway in Wickenburg. I'd like to speak to the owner of this location but was told over the phone that 'they are hard to reach'. Hopefully they see this and can find out who is setting up a skimmer in their pumps (4 or 6 are the only two I ever use) because I can't imagine I'm the only person whose been ripped off.