Facility: 3.5
Group Fitness: 0
Seriously, if I could give this gym a zero, I would. Of course, my negative experience is only because of its garbage quality (yes-garbage) fitness classes. Have they ever heard of in-stru*cto/r cert#ification????? I figured out how they cut corners. it's simple. They cut all the really good instructors that take fitness seriously, and replace them with either wannabes or old retired women that are looking to fill up their time (I do not have a problem with old retired people btw but if I'm going to the gym, I better sweat! And that's not even that hard) Every class I've been to, the instructors obviously know nothing about toning, strength, or cardio. A little rhythm wouldn't be so bad either.... The instructors show up LATE.... or they don't show up at all. This gym only cares about its numbers. This goes for all locations.
My motto: G.I.G.O. Garbage in =Garbage Out.