Do not go to this shop. I repeat, DO NOT GO TO SHOP!! Since they still have some of my gear I will not go into specifics, but this is hands down the worst instrument repair service I've ever been too.
1. They will not quote you price for the repair, only ballpark it. Only after all the work is done will they give you a price. (Immediate red flag)
2. "It will be done in a couple of days" is their answer to everything. They had an amp of mine for over 3 months and every time I called they said they just needed another day or two. No explanation, no reason. (I know of a guitar they have had for close to year.
3. Shoddy work. The amp they were supposed to fix was never repaired. They put some tubes in, biased it and that was it. Still had the same problems as soon as I brought it home. Soldering work is messy in the guitar and they reused old wires and components.
Instead of sending your gear here, lock it in a closet for 3 months and pray every day that it fixes itself. You'll get the same result as sending it here but at least you'll save yourself a few hundred bucks.