When I walked in here, I was accompanied by my friend's wife and my friend's kid (my friend had to work and all three of them happen to be white). If only I had a sign that said, "I swear that the kid is not mine". I think that's what prompted them to give me the white people menu. I looked at it, laughed, and said "give me the real menu".
I took the liberty of ordering a bunch of stuff. I got the steamed dumplings and chili oil, dan dan noodles, celery and peanuts, and bacon and green beans. The bacon green beans were awesome. All the food was good, but that's what the money dish was. Get it.
I'll have to come back for the hotter chili oil options when I'm not accompanied by a 2 year old....or do I just sneak him chili oil when his parents aren't looking? Hmm....