I made a secured credit card on August 15 with the representative, Diana. I had a previous address in CA when my parents made a account. She said she updated the address to my current one. It did not arrive so I called her and she told me that it was sent all the way to wrong address in CA! And then she told me that she updated the address (again) and sent the card to my current address on August 25 and the latest it could arrive was September 2. It did not arrive again. I needed the card before September 1. I have been calling Diana for multiple times and she sometimes get back on me but never able to reach out. Now she does not even call back to me without resolving any problems. I left voice message to resolve this problem. This time on September 12, I contacted the Well Fargo customer service and the different representative told me that the address was not updated and the card was not even sent after August 15! (I now know that Diana lied). The representative on the phone then updated the address and said the card will be sent out. And then they switched the person to very rude male customer representative and he told me that I had to go to the local store and get the address updated with my photo ID. I did that in the first place and they did not change so that was the reason why I was calling to their customer representative to send the card. I am very disappointed with the quality of the customer service that I initially received at this location with Diana as well as the service they gave me on the phone with attitude. I was very outrageous and I am not this kind of person. I would like to cancel their service right away after I get what I want.