Really! You didn't like Bite? Really!?!?! I almost didn't go see this show because of all of the bad reviews. Topless dancers and discounted tickets are the only reason I took a chance. I found myself sitting there and wondering..... Really?!?!? How are people giving this negative reviews. First off the music is awesome! You will get everything from classical and opera to Guns & Roses, Def Leppard, Rolling Stones, and Journey. Secondly the dancers are HOT! The dancers are hot and topless! The dancers are good! The skits are fun and the choreography is amazing! You will also be treated to magic and high flying acrobatic tricks which occur over the audiences head. Be careful where you sit because you may be selected to go on stage and be bitten, becoming one of the undead yourself! Is the show a little cheesy? Well yes, I mean, come on! It's about Vampires! True Blood is cheesy too and everyone loves that show! Don't miss the photo op with the dancers at the end to wrap up this amazing show. If your to scared just remember to bring a clove of garlic and your cross necklace....... and......... Good luck my friend! Mua ha ha ha ha ha!