Everyone had been telling me to go with CenturyLink for a while. So I finally decided to walk in to the location which happened to be right by my house. 3 to 4 people on hand, no one says hello or welcomes you in. You have to approach them. So I approached Arturo Torres who again does not say hello or welcome me in.
"What can I do for you?" Never bothers to look up from his computer monitor!
"I 'm interested in getting some information on some of your bundles."
"Address?" Still no eye contact. "At your address you'll receive 20 mb/sec of speed for internet." Again, no eye contact.
"Well that doesn't seem very fast."
"As long as you're not gaming it should be fast enough to watch Netflix."
"Umm, anything more you can tell me about what I'm looking for?"
"No. That's about it."
Did I mention, NO EYE CONTACT? No acknowledgement whatsoever that my daughter and I are standing right in front of him.
"Okay thanks anyway."
No "You're welcome."
No "Goodbye."
Never looked up from his monitor.
No attempt by anyone in the place to try and salvage a deal. I was pretty clear that I was interested in purchasing a bundle. They must not work on commission or have to meet quotas.
I'm in sales. I wouldn't hire this clown if his entire family were destitute and starving! I'm a real stickler for customer service, a good reputation, and word of mouth advertising. I'll even pay more if you can give me good reason to do so. But this guy was a joke!
Sorry CenturyLink. Gonna have to go with the competition.
Is there an option for zero stars?