this place has to be the worst than a motel 6... did 8 month lease due to the minimum and was the most stressful disturbing experience of my 6 years of renting many homes. the lay out was cool and price ehh decent if i didnt have to have mandatory bug infested sprays everyday, maintenance team in and out this place i thought was your privacy. neighbors always fighting, random homeless sitting on my cable box in the yard... gang enforcement road blocks, police chases, 5 am sunday car crashes which caused more metro in and out the area i felt unsafe the pool had glass in there and so far management or the "con" company they consider themselves had changed about 4 times in the last 2 years. i never got furniture due to bugs and the uncomfortable feeling i always got throughout the townhome. my bed room was where it was decent n safe included a restroom and i would have food outside of the home. it was ok for my mysterious neighbor to start throwing chairs, tables, and chains out the very large yet poor installed windows and does not get kicked out... but i was not to have a well trained registered dog because he was a pitbull and not "serviced"... they even gave me window locks for protection mind you had a warning that there was a burglar on the loose that metro did find 3 doors down from my unit. they broke into my place and again aside of the maintenence team, i got calls from actual metro confirming to look into my house.... not fun when you live alone and work long hours and often just to avoid dealing with dirt and distress but i was a place that i had to get asap being homeless, again with the price being decent and space... then i resigned when my lease was up and they still tried to charge me for leaving... i resigned at the legally printed move out date and now im dealing with the new different property whoever they are saying i still live there and owe rent.... proud of them and the city of las vegas for making this an acceptation for anyone and this is why people are crazy from the extra people who want to make life harder and wonder when they will be happy and somewhere :) lesson learned like is grand now