We purchased a NOOK Color from barnesandnoble.com. After turning it on and spending a few minutes testing it out, my husband noticed that there were a few dead pixels on the screen. According to their return policy, they allowed customers to return or exchange the NOOK at any Barnes and Noble store.
So I came in to this location the next day to do an exchange. When I walked in, there was only one cashier working in the front and a pretty long line of customers. I figured that I didn't want to hold up the line when my turn came, so I decided to look for another employee in the store to ask if they would allow the exchange first. I asked the employee at the customer service booth for help. Turns out that she was the manager and could not have been nicer about it! If I remember correctly, her name was Beth. When I told her about the dead pixels, she apologized for it (even though it wasn't her fault) and said "Don't you just hate when that happens? Don't worry, we'll get you a new one!"
I'm happy that the exchange process was hassle-free! I didn't shop for anything while I was in the store, but everything looked clean and organized. My only suggestion to them would be to have another cashier in the front when there is a long line at the checkout.