It's been 2 years now, but I still think this deserves to be said. Was an IVF patient for 1 round, 3 embryo transfers. 1st transfer Dr Courvas LOST MY EMBROY inside my vagina. I was in the transfer process and he gets this terrible look on this face. I was like "what" and he says my embryo is no longer in the needle, but isn't in the uterus yet. Basically LOST in my VAGINA!!! No apology or explanation. He just put a second thawed embryo in and sent me on my way. I was too naive to be angry or horrified! Luckily I had a lot of embryos, but imagine if I didn't!!!
Second issue: all of my embryos sucked and he never really addressed it. Just kept putting them in...and charging. After 3 transfers I was out of embryos and left. My next doc (who got me pregnant on the first around) told me my eggs were crappy and I needed a different approach. He went so far as to say that the last transfer with Dr Courvas was not-viable (he was able to look at my medical records and see the images), sure would have been nice if I was told BEFORE I did a transfer round since there was no way is would ever take. IVF is emotionally and physically draining. Do your research.