| - Dr. Robles was exactly what I hoped him to be, a phenomenal surgeon with a very fast recovery. I've talked to MANY different women who have had a breast augmentation with different doctors, and thankfully enough they love their results, however their recovery time was much longer and def needed pain killers, where as I only took Ibuprofen, and I am a BABY when it comes to pain. Surgery was a breeze ( I had SO much anxiety beforehand for absolutely nothing) His anesthesiologist was amazing as well, I did not feel loopy or out of the norm when waking up, I felt slightly dizzy and that was it. Upon stepping into my house, I instantly felt no dizziness and felt completely normal. The first few hours after operation before I took my Ibuprofen was the only hours I was in discomfort. As soon as I took my first Ibuprofen, I did exactly as he asked and washed and blow dried my hair with no problems at all; I couldn't believe it, just a few hours after surgery! I was doing regular activities the entire rest of the day and wasn't even tired until 1am. Next day I went on a lunch and shopping date all day, and everyone was so amazed that I had just went through surgery and I was doing everything completely normal. I'm 2 weeks post op, and my stitches are very small and look great! 4-6 weeks is when the implant is supposed to drop, but they looked amazing from day 1. I feel as there are a lot of doctors who have great end results, which makes it hard to choose, but Dr. Robles gets an A+++ for the ENTIRE experience and I haven't heard of one single person who had as great recovery as I did, besides all of his patients. I can't stop recommending and complimenting him enough- everything from his professionalism, great staff, speedy recovery, and of course the results! I am so thankful that I found and chose him.