Why did it take me a year to visit you? I weep at all the meaty good times I missed over the last 12 months. Now that we've met we can be BBF's and see each other weekly.
Don't be shocked when you walk in and find yourself in what appears to be a butcher's back room. That's just them...hardcore. No counter, just freezers, cutters and a small area to pay. Everyone is willing to help you and talk you through what is fresh in and what is frozen. Plus if you ask for suggestions and tips you get some amazing advice. They even asked how I planning to cook my roast so they could pick the best cut for my method. Plus they have some yummy surprises like bison chorizo and spicy burgers. And seafood!
Also...this was the most affordable meat experience ever. I ran from the shop clutching my bag thinking they had made an error. A 4lb grain fed, hormone free fresh chicken, 4lb of stewing beef (wrapped however I liked it), 4lb fresh ground beef, 4lb roast all for $50. The meat is all grain fed.
You like meat? You like value for money? Just go.