We saw Radiohead here and had a great experience. The place was sold out, so the roar of the fans along with the music was enthralling, to say the least. We sat on the first level and had a great view.
Now to the things I always have to rate at a venue such as this one: the restrooms and the beer!! Restrooms were clean and spacious. Moving on to the beer. As soon as we walked in, we encountered a little kiosk selling Boddington's, Stella, and Shock Top on tap!!! Now then, I am used to Sprint in KC that has a pretty crappy selection unless you do lots of investigating and walking. This fab TAP selection upon entry?? Well, it was meant to be. The only down side is the $11 price tag for a plastic cup of premium beer. What made up for it? FREE PARKING!! Not used to that!
All in all, Jobing.com was a great addition to our week of Radiohead adventures.