A total BANG FOR YOUR BUCK this is a MUST when coming to Vegas!! I love the slushie Margaritas here!!
You can find Evening Call in many different hotels on the Strip: Planet Hollywood, Luxor, Paris, Bally's,Mandalay Bay and Rio!
*Sailor Jerry & Cola
*Call Girlz
*Vegas Lai
*Coco Loco
Drink choices are legit! My favorite was the Mai Tai with Rum! I'm not even a Rum drinker but that drink was off the chain!
They serve a large variety of different flavors of Margarita slushies''! I LOVED them all! Although the brain freeze was uh killa! I was still able to manage...Whoo...Don't forget an extra shot for $2. Its Vegas so why not!
They have such a great variety of drinks! The prices are indeed cheap for what normal drinks in Vegas truly cost. The 17oz cup is $8, 22oz Mood is $10,the 25oz is $11, the 32oz. is only $14 and the next size up is only $17, which is the super 50oz. $10 for a refill in the same cup so KEEP YOUR CUP TO USE THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE TIME YOUR IN VEGAS!
The workers here are totally sweet and nice! They are VERY strict about children being around any type of alcohol so please don't bring your children in this joint. You will be asked to leave.
Tasters are FREE! You can taste as much as you want before making a choice. I was also able to mix and match my flavors as well! Sweet!
If you are close and see this spot! You MUST stop!!
I definitely will be back next time I'm here in Vegas! They spot is truly LEGIT!