| - After reading the review from Kelly Gonzalez, I thought I'd try to help her. Kelly, your not the only parent, & I'm quite sure that the other parents there would prefer to not have to "WAIT THEIR TURN," but even more then that, don't want to wait longer because your too high maintenance & feel you should be first the moment you get there. If your so sure of all these problems to where you have to insult the people there.......don't go there, really, if you know everything, & so smart with how to run a dr's office, open your own. It disgusts me that you as a new patient somewhere, think that your owed, or entitled to something. From experience, a dr's office smelling like food is usually because of how busy they are, & had to bring lunch in for them to eat at all. Your analogies are ridiculous, almost as bad as your review, people like you should have to take a state administered test to leave home & interact with others. You should be ashamed of yourself. Anybody that reads your review will realize if your not complaining about something or insulting something your unable to function. Do all the other parents, that wait their turn, a favor & stay home!