| - Pathetically slow service. I was told they had a ton of iPhone 7 pluses in stock, but after waiting FOREVER - for a long period of time, only one guy in the whole store was working, and he was helping an old man try to learn how to use his phone, so that was going nowhere - I finally get an associate to help me, we go through the process of pulling up the account and doing all the verification stuff, and she's sitting there asking me, "What color 7 Plus do you want? We have them all! Since the iPhone 8 came out, no one wants the 7 Plus anymore! Everything is in stock!" Well, I said I wanted the 256 GB of memory, and suddenly there's only one store in the entire city that has an iPhone 7 Plus with 256 GB of memory. I had to drive across town and wait over an hour in THEIR line on top of the time I already spent in this store to just transfer my number onto a new phone. The girl was nice and called ahead to verify they had the phone in stock, but it's crazy that we went from, "We have a huge stock of every color you could want!" to "Your phone will be black and you have to get it in Henderson. Oh, and your quick stop in to transfer your number to a new phone will now be a 3+ hour endeavor. Hope you didn't have plans for the rest of your Monday." AT&T just has awful, awful customer service.