| - Amy Pataki, the food critic from The Toronto Star wrote a positive review on this restaurant a couple of weeks back. She seemed to really enjoy the " Hachee Shepherd's Pie ". I ordered it and thought that it was a reasonable price at $10.00 When the dish came out, I could only stare at it in disbelief. The quaint dutch bowl it came in could not have been 4" in diameter and less than 2" tall. The potato layer was about 1/2" thick. All together, had I eaten it the way a man would eat a meal, it would have been 5 bites maximum. Really?!?!
The dish was ok, but REALLY?!?! This was not from the appetizer menu, this was a main dish. Exactly what size person was this portion supposed to satisfy? I look at value for my money. If this had been in some fancy restaurant, I might understand. This restaurant is in a house which is far enough away from the main part of The Danforth that a restaurant goer could think that they would be getting greater bang for their buck. Just not the case.
Also, while I was there, a Dutch lady came in and sat herself beside a gentleman that was having a soup. We were the only 3 people in the restaurant at this time. The owner came out and started conversing with this lady, somewhat loudly in Dutch for several minutes. I could see that the gentleman was uncomfortable with this, but did not say anything. He finished up his soup, paid for it, and was out like a flash. Dont think he will ever be coming back and neither will I.