3.5 stars Amore! wholly 5 pound pasta bowls batman!
Ordered the pasta bowl. It was enough for 2 people. The way this place works is you chose your protein, choose the format such as pasta bowl, salad, and or a flat bread.
The the portion of the protein was decent Although I would not get the steak again as it was pretty chewy, The sausage was quite tasty. There were 20ish toppings to add to the pasta bowl. Lots of veggies, cheese, sauces and beans to chose from. The pasta was cooked a perfect al dente, By the time I finished creating the bowl it weighed at least 25 pounds. No Shit!
The only room for improvement is that did not have anything to make the dish spicy. So for all you fellow spice freaks, you may want to bring your own scovil raising capsicum products.