| - Dr. Winston is extremely gifted at diagnosing and treating a huge variety of veterinary problems! One of my dogs was dying from an unknown illness, when she was 2 years old. Other vets were unable to determine a definitive diagnosis. When she was take to see Dr. Winston, for another opinion, he knew what to do, obtained a correct diagnosis and began treatment for the disease. This dog lived, a happy life, until she was almost 15 years old! At the end of her life, he provided exceptional care for a couple very serious diseases. He made it possible for her to have almost 6 more months of quality life, when 6 months earlier, things seemed very hopeless. He also provided after hours consultation for another one of my dogs, who was seriously ill, requiring me to have her seen at local emergency clinics when a crisis occurred after the clinic was closed. Dr. Winston is also an invaluable resource to local animal rescues. I have accompanied rescue dogs to his office and remain very pleased at how he uses his superb wisdom and experience to save the lives of homeless animals, at prices that are very reasonable.