When it comes to vape shops I found 3 types. 1st.) A store brand juice type that mostly specializes in making their own juice. With a nominal selection of knock off mods and supplies. 2cnd.) A straight out flavor shop that has good mod selection and focuses on lounge aspect. 3rd) The "cloud-chaser" shops with aspects of both previous types but focus on competition VG puff flavors, mods and have excellent sub ohm coils, builds etc.
Vapor Bombz is certainly the 3rd cloud chaser type shop. On top of that they have 2 store brand juices that are perfectly balanced with creamy custard flavors along with max % VG at only 3mg nic for massive cloud pluming. "Beypr" is strawberry custard & my favorite of all juices anywhere.
The shop keeps are cool kats and the store mascot, Rocky a little Jack Russel terrier is a like a little homie. Anyone in there can help you get to that low (0.1+-) sub ohm build to get your mod ready for any competition whether it be Vape Summit or just out vaping your pals.
The shop has a nice layout. Wall of juice with a builder spot. A chill spot with couches and my favorite, a stand up Street Fighter 2 Turbo Championship Edition! Then there's a mod jewel case with all the mods and atomizers you would need. Prices are simple here. There is a Vapor Bombz in Anaheim Cali. On top of some serious cloud juice they also make their own rda the Ohmega. Damn good vape shop for serious enthusiasts.