| - Yup, they ARE amazing!!! I love this location, I love the wonderful women that work here, I just love it! Weechee went in for a full on bath, cut and dry. And sweet baby jesus, I bathe this dog regularly. and don't get me wrong, I love my dog, but she's the biggest pain you've ever met. She tries to eat the dryer like it's a light saber being pointed at her face. My mom dropped her off for me as I was away, and when I asked "Did they say she was awful" mom said "They said she was very 'spirited'"
"spirited"? Oh you angels from sweet puppy heaven above. She isn't spirited, she's the WORST. And I love you for saying that. BUT somehow, some way, this spirited little 4 month old came out looking like a beautiful, clean fluff ball with a perfect cut. She was happy, bouncy and full of life for the rest of the day. Highly recommend The Groom Room!!
Actually no, I don't, I want them all to myself!