Last night my husband and his partner stopped for dinner (in uniform) at the Cafe Rio on S. Durango just south of the 215 at about 8:00 pm. They ordered their food without incident, but when it got to the prep portion of the line, the young black male refused to finish their order. Literally refused. He put his hands on the counter and put his head down-and refused to look at them. He let their food sit on the grill, burning. A manager had to walk up from the back and yell at him, he ignored his manager, and the manager had to finish it while he just stood there. I'm so disgusted. Cafe Rio has always had a great reputation for being Metro friendly! As much as I don't wish for anyone's job to be in jeopardy over this, something needs to be done. My suggestion is that we inundate that location with officers in uniform.
Posted by family member of a police officer on Facebook, I think Cafe Rio will understand if I never bring my family to their place of business.