Two years ago, I couldn't stand up straight in the morning. I was bent over like an old woman (I was 46 yrs old). Dr. O'Hara gave me a few adjustments to help me move but she suspected there was something else going on in my abdominal area with lots of swelling and tenderness to pressure. She suggested I ask my Doctor to run some tests. Turns out that I had a bacteria and I needed a strong antibiotic to treat it. Who knows how long I had been carrying it -- but it is known to cause ulcers in the stomach and intestinal tract if not treated! Thank goodness we caught it. Within 6 months, I dropped 40 lbs. All along, she provided me with great advice and information in many aspects of health and wellness. She is a wealth of knowledge. At almost every appointment, I learn something new and note it into my iPhone. I continue to see Dr. O'Hara for maintenance, to keep my back moving well, but I also enjoy her positive energy, generous advice and genuine kindness.