One of my favorite musicians is Mark Kozelek. His new album recorded under the moniker Sun Kil Moon titled "Benji" has been on my mind lately. Many of the songs deal with death. The theme of this LP is the same as the current exhibit at MOCA. It is entitled DIRGE: Reflections on [Life and] Death. Some of the pieces made me genuinely sad and were painful to absorb. I would almost rather listen to 2Pac Death Around the Corner because that song really jams out about death. Some of the art today made left me feeling hollow. The artists accomplished their mission. Admission to the museum is free on the first Saturday of each month. I will likely return on each of these days when the exhibits change. The art today was not particularly beautiful. It was grotesque. I am thankful to the museum for employing some cute females because that got my mind back on life. And how beautiful it can be.