| - We've been to this small restaurant about 6 times, and the last 2 visits were disaster! The food is great and the menu is huge, but the service, on a scale of 1 to 10, has become about a minus 4. For a couple, things seemed to go well. But if yours is a party of 4 or more, forget it! Especially if you'd like a drink or some wine. The waiter (Doug, a totally disorganized wise-ass from Queens) for our last (and I most certainly mean that literally!) visit took about 25 minutes to open the bottle of wine and make & serve cocktails. Then there was another long wait for salad, yet another one for the entrees, and a prolonged wait for the bill, punctuated by much arm waving trying to get his attention. We blew 3 hours here, most of which was spent in frustration.
Food: 9
Menu: 9
Atmosphere: 6
Service: -4 and falling
We'll never go back...