A bald headed fairly dark skin toned sales associate in the young men's department surely does not know anything about customer service and respectful behavior. He also doesn't realize that customers are the main reasons why businesses survive thus allowing them to pay their employees a wage and commission. What tickles me funny is how he must have felt the need to express a snobbish attitude but at the same time he works in a MALL as a RETAIL PERSON. As a previous retail salesperson and a current designer, I have never felt the need or requirement to be rude and a total jackass to customers. I was almost going to buy a couple of pair of jeans but while trying on different sizes and styles, I was annoyed by his attitude the whole time that I kept thinking, "why should I spend my money on something that will help him earn a commission?" TURNED OFF. Well, buddy you lost a sale and I surely hope you learn a few new manners and adjust your attitude because you clearly do not possess any acceptable customer service etiquette. Working in retail does not make you a big shot, okay? It makes you appear stupid and full of shit when you have the wrong attitude.