| - Love love love this gym! I really don't think
It's fair for someone to say this gym is excellent and then give it a low star rating because of the price. The price is high (probably the highest in Vegas) but it is (in my opinion) the best facility. You are absolutely getting what you paid for.
This place has every single piece of equipment you could ever want in a gym. I do agree that the weight floor is a touch crowded (space wise) but I have never caught an elbow from a fellow member who was lifting next me or anything dramatic like that. Additionally, it is immaculately clean. The staff here are ALWAYS cleaning (all of them...I've even seen the Fitness Manager wiping down treadmills). Speaking of the staff, they are all super friendly. They always ask how you're doing, make eye contact, some of them even greet me by name at this point.
Classes are among my favorite part of this gym. So far I have taken Studio Spin, Edge Spin (also in studio but hooked up so you HR is on display for the instructor), Strike! (Kickboxing), and Barbell (similar to but better than LVAC's Body Pump). The instructors are friendly and fun!
The childcare center is amazing and beyond compare to any other facility in the Valley. There are lots of kids at this gym (especially on weekends). I have never been in the hot tub with a kid and rarely see them outside of the childcare center. Generally, if I do, they are on their way to one of the many classes offered. However, if the presence and sight of kids bugs you, you may want to pass on a membership.
In closing, if all you care about is weights and cardio equipment, then Lifetime probably isn't for you. If you're looking to make overall fitness your entire family's lifestyle then join and enjoy!